Saturday 5 November 2011

Do you really matter?

Do you really mater     by  Dr-Okey

Dr Okey writes............

No, this isn’t a question about whether you are important or cool enough. Rather, it is a question of whether you make a difference in the lives of others – and the kind of difference that you make.

As you look around, you see examples everywhere that tell you how you can get what you want by focusing your attention on it. Using this "law of attraction," you can shape your day, your life and fully succeed in everything you do. Notice the "your, your and your. Well, in the mix of all these focus on our incredible ability to bring wealth, joy, and abundance into our lives, we often forget an essential ingredient: RELATIONSHIP/CONNECTIVITY
 If we are selfish about creating wealth and pay little regard for others, things are likely to backfire. Our talents were given to us to serve others. Although we live in a universe of resonance, focusing only personal progress and issues doesn’t make our lives any better. And even when people try to add action and feelings to those thoughts, they often still find themselves wondering why their approach isn’t working.
What is missing? Alignment
The law of attraction is ruled by the law of alignment. If we aren’t lined up with ourselves, our destiny, our source, we won’t attract what we want. If we’re not lined up with our community and our family things go awry as well. When we get in line for wealth, without recognizing the importance of wealth beyond money, and wealth for all, we find ourselves living in scarcity.
Take Leon (real name), for instance. He came to me because after working with several coaches on achieving greater success in his business, he simply wasn’t getting the results he desired. He studied the law of attraction and worked on positive thinking. He did everything he could to get at the top of his field. But neither he nor the coaches understood why it wasn’t working. Leon came after he listened to my lecture delivered at the University of Texas (San Antonio), graduate students in business. As we talked friendly in my office, we discovered the problem: He was focused too much on what he could get out of life and not enough on what he COULD GIVE TO LIFE.
When people do that sort of thing, instead of getting what they wanted, they end up getting very little. In contrast, when he began to focus on what he could give, he achieved all the success he was looking for and more!
Ever wondered why you put in so much and get so little? Well, here you have your answer. Nothing falls down except something is thrown up. If you want to increase, you must give or shsre what you have. If you need joy, you must show grace. If you want business success, you must network, interact and open up to sharing your ideas and doing so, without setting limits. YOU MUST TRUST YOUR WORKERS, PARTNERS AND CONNECT WELL WITH CLIENTS. If you want a happy family, you must put your best and set meaningful goals with your spouse. Aligning yourself and giving your best will do you more favors than expecting other people to change your world and make you happy without adding value to their lives. Reconditioning your perceptions and reframing your approach to life is a major part of alignment. There lies part of the steps for success. 
At the family level, it is also why most relationships do not work young lovers:
People often ask: 'what am I getting out of this, instead of, 'what will I put in to get what I want to get?'
Some ask: can he provide for me, instead of, can I work with him so that we can have a better life?
In other words, people look for greener grasses but lack a bucket of water to make a dry land fertile. 
 ('ORI-AKU' MUST KNOW HOW TO SUPPORT 'OME-AKU')- You repeath not where thou soweth not.
A constantly "wanting life" then lead to us making poor choices.....only to discover later that all that glitters is not gold.
We can make our gold by the way we fact, you do not really gold anyway to be happy. Aligning yourself and your mind in the right places is all you need.
TAKE NOTE:  Not that it is bad to seek the good things of life but you can only get the good things of life and sustain them if your spirit is well aligned. LIFE, MY FRIEND, IS IN DIVINE ORDER.
You are either living to live or living to die. It keeps moving.
One of the best ways to get what we want is to focus on: what we can give.
When we do this, we truly join the resonance of abundance. So when we plan our day by setting goals and priorities and list tasks to complete on our way to success, we need to ask ourselves:"What are the unspoken messages? Are we holding on, afraid, disconnected and concerned that there isn’t enough for us and for them?"
When our focus takes us to the point where it is "us vs. others," we often lose
How to Make Life Worthwhile
We are not important because of our monetary success or beauty alone. Of course, we don’t gain any points for lack of success either. Rather, it is contributing, mattering, giving to others, doing what we came here to do, while partaking of the wealth and abundance all around us, that makes life worthwhile.
If we want to receive, practice giving.
If we want support, give it to others.
You might be surprised by the results
For instance, three years ago I met with a woman who was charged with convincing people to implement a very unpopular law – a law that made the jobs of those she was supervising much harder. How did she approach it?
By asking those she worked with how she could help them instead of telling them what to do. The result was that she was successful in getting their cooperation quickly. Within a few months, her district started operating smoothly while other districts were still struggling to implement the mandate
* If you want true power, give it to others.
If we try to take power and control others, you will never have it.
Think of the leaders that you respect – how do they live, govern and lead?
Then think of a mean controlling boss or a husband or a nagging you respect such person? Nope.
You get power by giving power.
What’s Your Legacy?
Recently, I spoke at the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit in, Houston. I told them my story in a speech that I titled, Life’s Golden Ticket.  On 4th October,  I was in a car crash that nearly took my life. Hit by a truck, my vehicle spinned off the road and bounced across the other side of the highway. I was saved.
Realizing how close to death I had come, I promised God that, I would earn my second chance at life.
Daily, I ask the question: "Did I matter today?"  During my my discussion, I asked those ladies to think about: "What would people say about you if you died?" See if it’s the legacy you want to leave.
Do you really matter?
After the speech, I started thinking about some of the most important comments I have heard from other readers…not comments about money but about how these little writings on FB, my magazine articles, speeches and my books, helped them achieve things
I felt fulfilled just a little bit. Life, is not always about the big things we do but more of the little contributions we make in other people's lives.
The words we say.
The things we write.
The courage you gve.
The greetings.
The smile.
The laughter.
The hands you shake.
The prayers you share.
The messages you send .......all give hope.
Life is good when you are hopeful. Its good when you give it.

My receptionist once said to me, Sir, when I think of you, I think of empowerment and energy.
But what about you, my friend?
What will your boss, husband, wife, colleagues, think of you?
Would they use the word, controlling, bossy, manipulative, arguementative, proud, unfaithful, stubborn, materialistic, vain, nagging, troublesome, confused, headache, unorganized, selfish, wicked, mean, parrot, dumb, shallow or lazy....or would they speak great things about you?
What about you,---- when you stand in the mirror, what do you think about yourself?
Do you really matter? What does life mean to you? Who are you? What are you doing here?
What do yo think about most hours of the day? What do you spend most of your time on?
When you wake by morning, what comes to your mind?
If you are to depart from this earth now, what will you leave behind- worries or grace?
Do you really matter?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderfull note ..... Am so touched..... Thank you TrueTalk... God bless You Dr Okey....


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